Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Im not a Conspiracy Theorist"

I’m not a “Conspiracy theorist  I’m  a Factual Lyricist…

I’m not a Revolutionary I’m Evolutionary

I’m not a “Terrorist”  But I bet I’m on their  “A List…”

Bush Cheney Aschroft  and Blair they were all Aware…
They are the ones That Conspired to put those demons in our air
No not even the King or the Queen were exempt of this  “Smoking Affair”
The Clues though hidden in smoke and mirrors, they are all still there..

We have tracked you evil ones for those millennia in our Time
The rabbit hole is mean and twisted it is “ Utterly Sublime”
Millions of lives have been sacrificed all in the name of wealth…
Sadly so far the sinister wizard has remained hidden in stealth

However, we now know who you are, we know about your “Order”
We know you conspire to manipulate our minds and our kind
We know of those free masons who carved our stones
We know of those metaphorical twisted skull and bones

I’m not a Conspiracy Theorist I’m an Evolutionary Physicist

 I’m not a nut Job I have seen your Mandating MOB

Your Disguise does not elude my eyes
I see your agenda and I have heard their Cries
The Legend Says that the Vampire can’t hurt you if you don’t invite him “IN”
Well We are onto your game and we see beyond your “transparent skin!”
Soon we will evict you from our beautiful home and onward you will roam…
Forever forbidden from our new world of peace and blissful glory
No You and your kind will be committed to a cell of eternal purgatory…

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