Monday, November 21, 2011

Opening Minds In These Trying Times

I randomly turn the TV on just to keep up with the "news" if for no other reason.  I put the "news" in quotation marks because the word is an illusion that medium is an illusion because all of the "news" has been bought and payed for and censored by the special interest groups and elitists of this corrupt world long before it ever gets to you or I.

TV is the most powerful "tool" they have in their war on information.  You see they do not want us to know the truth, they don't want us to know that everything we have been taught for the past several hundred, if not thousand years is one big lie!

The Occupy Movement is an inspiring evolution which mimics the "Imagine Freedom Movement" I imagined over 10 years ago as the result of realizing I was done drinking their "Kool Aid".  I must say that once I stopped drinking it, once I began to question the junk the TV and the large networks were shoving down my throat, the more liberated I became.  It was like the first day my father took the training wheels off my bicycle, he gave me one swift push and with each evolution of those peddles, the freer and less restrained I felt as I zoomed down our gravel driveway on the crisp spring day!

Yes the veil has begun to be lifted and I say its about time!  I find myself feeling more and more liberated with each day that goes by.  People are demanding answers, they are demanding their liberties and their freedoms as they are promised by our Constitution.  I am on a mission of finding the "100th and the 100th thousand and the "ONE MILLIONTH MONKEY"...  We indeed are on the cusp of a very exciting evolution, of a very exciting revolution, we are like a book that has just been opened and the winds of hope have just grazed the first few pages.  They have forever blown open "pandoras box", in the days and weeks and months to follow, I am confident that those winds of hope and inspiration will continue to grab those pages and continue to open them one by one, until one magical day that "special monkey" will have been found and the rest as they say is "history"!

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